Driving quality control

The Eco Driving application was created to monitor and evaluate the driving quality of the parking lot staff. In the program a number of modern problems of vehicle management optimization have been successfully solved.

The Eco Driving module allows to flexibly adjust the parameters and provide a comprehensive check of the driving quality. The service provides an opportunity to  get quickly a general assessment of the driving quality of the car park  cars  in terms of time and other functions.

How does the Eco Driving driver control system work?

The Wialon system collects data from telematics sensors installed on vehicles and sends it to the Eco Driving app.

In the Wialon system, the user selects parameters, that allow control the driving quality.

In the Wialon system, the user selects parameters, that allow control the driving quality.

This application shows the score of the drivers, the number of violations, allows  to build a trajectory and see where it was committed.

In the Eco Driving application, the user generates reports based on the data received from the application about the driving style.

Users use data from the reports to improve the driving quality of  the staff and to ensure the safety of passenger and freight transportation.

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